Monday, May 24, 2010

Nyerere is the one who created Mwinyi

read Nyerere's press statement and I was wondering whether Mwalimu Nyerere had died and has just resurrected and found that Mwinyi was his successor and is corrupt.
Nyerere will go down in history as a man who worked so hard to build a nation and then voluntarily handed it over to a bunch of self-seeking, ideologically bankrupt nincompoops. He then watched quietly for 15 years as these people demolished every work he had done.
Why Nyerere chosed Mwinyi out of all the capable people that were available is only clear to him. But it is obvious that the hardliners and revolutionary wing of the Chama Cha Mapindusi were systematically removed either through assassination or exclusion. A natural successor to Nyerere was Dr. Salim Salim, [who was] ideologically closer to Nyerere than any other contender. It still beats reason that Tanzania could afford to "waste" the talents of such a leader (OAU is of course a mere barking dog which never does anything for anyone).
When retiring, Nyerere personally went around Tanzania campaigning for Mwinyi, introducing him to bewildered peasants as "Raisi wangu". Since they trusted him, they went along with it. But soon afterwards the peasantry organized themselves against what they considered the abdication of the ideals of the "Mapinduzi" (against "walanguzi" and other exploiters). The Sungu Sungu and other expressions of peasant disenchantments [were] crushed. Dr. Horace Campbell, then at the University of Dar es Salaam (following the footsteps the late Dr. Walter Rodney), researched these uprisings and tried to publish them. This resulted in his deportation from Tanzania.

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